Iyengar Yoga Teachers Doris, Sue, Scott, Bob, and Lucinda

Five Certified Iyengar Yoga Instructors (L to R) Doris, Sue, Scott, Bob, and Lucinda.

BOB POWER has been teaching Iyengar Yoga in Fredericton for over 30 years. He was a long-time teacher of Mahyar Raz of Toronto who gave Fredericton workshops annually to Maritime Students. Bob has studied four times at the Iyengar Institute in Pune, India.  Inspired by BKS Iyengar’s yoga practice, Bob focuses on inversions and backbends in his daily practice.

DORIS DEMERS is a certified Iyengar Yoga Instructor with 15 years of teaching experience.  She studied for one full month with the Iyengar family in India, has attended numerous Iyengar Yoga workshops across Canada, and currently studies with Deborah Lomond in Nova Scotia. Doris has always been athletic in nature, and of all the physical activities she has enjoyed over the years, she says yoga is her number one. “Yoga will always be in my life, either on the mat or off.”

SUE MADIGAN is a certified Iyengar Yoga Teacher with 15 years of teaching experience. She has studied in Toronto, Victoria, Mexico, and in 2006 spent a month at the Iyengar Institute in India.

LUCINDA ELLIS began practising Iyengar Yoga over 15 years ago as a new student to yoga.  Through studying and discipline of practice she obtained her certification in November 2018. She wishes to continue to learn, share the benefits and teach with understanding.  

SCOTT HARRIS has been practicing Iyengar yoga for 15 years, studying with teachers across Canada, and became a certified teacher in 2019. He is now a student of senior Iyengar teacher Deborah Lomond of Nova Scotia.